The Kelly Angus 600+ female herd have developed into an impressive group of robust maternal cows with the ‘right mix’ of balanced genetics, EBV’s & phenotype over the past 7 years.
The stud is big on maternal values. We concentrate on producing females with high IMF, exceptional calving ease, high fertility, high growth weights & excellent carcase traits. Kelly Angus dams are breed to produce ‘good milk’ & must be able to put everything they can into their calves. Cows who are functionally efficient with longevity rate highly in our program.
We use a range of daughters from elite Angus lineage in our breeding herd. GAR Prophet M64 is a great combination female with an amazing spread of data & has raised the bar. A select group of cows from the Prime Katapault line include the impressive K1 Katapault N107. This Katapault pedigree has produced very deep bodied, moderate mature cow sizes with excellent data sets to match.
Adding depth to the female line-up is Get Cracking P132, along with Judd’s daughter, Judd M39. This dam delivers the best of this sires’ pedigree & is ticking a lot of boxes. She presents with calving ease, a moderate frame, exceptional carcase & fats & is adding a lot of value. Her progeny blend well with most bulls.
The dam, Incredible M107 also delivers. She brings maternal strength & is breeding consistently good carcase driven progeny. The foundation herd includes selected Tank daughters. True to their sire, they are powerhouse, deep, easy going cows with a massive carcase.
Kelly Angus continues to source exceptional females to blend & complement our herd & our longer-term breeding goals.